Chapter 2: What's the problem?

This chapter in a nutshell

  • Traditional concepts of literacy are problematic
  • Literacy always involves technology
  • Literacy practices are inherently social activities
  • Digital literacy is an ambiguous concept

What’s the problem here? Why do we even need to talk about ‘digital literacy’? And why ‘digital literacies’? Why the plural? What’s wrong with just talking about ‘literacy’ and applying that to the digital world?

These questions and more are addressed in this chapter. We’ll begin by looking at what is traditionally understood by traditional notions of ‘literacy’ before going on to problematise the concept. From this we’ll consider which is the most important aspect of ‘digital literacy’ - the ‘digital’ aspect or the ‘literacy’ aspect? The final part of this chapter explores the importance of the social part of literacy, as opposed focusing merely on the cognitive.

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