
Doug Belshaw Dr. Doug Belshaw is an educator who specialises in new literacies. His current role is Web Literacy Lead for the non-profit Mozilla Foundation, the organisation best known for the Firefox web browser.

Doug wrote his doctoral thesis on the subject of digital literacies, beginning investigations into the area after noticing as a classroom teacher the differences in attitude between those with greater and lesser exposure to digital environments.

With experience as Director of E-Learning of a large, all-age Academy, as a classroom teacher, as a staff tutor, and as a Researcher/Analyst with Jisc in Higher Education, Doug has experience in most sectors of formal education. His current role with Mozilla spans the formal/informal learning divide on a global basis.

Doug is a regular conference speaker and workshop leader and is also closely linked with Open Badges, a web-native credentialing system. This was the original reason he joined Mozilla. He is co-chair of the Badge Alliance working group on Digital / Web Literacies.

His preferred contact details are as follows:

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